NAM KAUR / Intentional Branding Session

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The most beautiful afternoon celebrating and honoring the magic that is Mikaela // Nam Kaur. This woman exudes kindness, ancient wisdom and a reverence for her ever evolving life’s work of holding sacred space, creating art, sharing healing modalities and connecting with the elements here on Planet Earth.


Intentional Branding Sessions are ceremonial photography sessions designed to capture the essence of you and your sacred offerings. Photography is an alchemical dance of light, spirit and physical matter - it transcends time and space. In your session we get to explore and feel into the heart of you and your business and create tangible, mystical stills from this space of Truth. Intentional imagery helps the Beings that are meant to work with you, find you. It invites them to feel into your energy and connect with you through body sensations, intuition and sight.


Natasha / Breathwork Practitioner / Intentional Branding Session

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β€œIn my breathwork sessions, I intuitively guide clients on a journey back home to their bodies. We gently work with any emotions, limiting beliefs and old stories that arise to be seen, felt and transformed. I hold a safe, loving container for my clients to go into the most uncomfortable parts of their bodies, and discover the truth that resides there. This often gives voice to parts of the Self that have been left behind or unheard and allows for a gentle release of tension and emotional blocks in the body. With the guidance of the breath, I help lead the client back to the remembrance of who they really are.

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Our breath is the most underestimated tool for somatic exploration and the evolution of our consciousness. It’s a key that unlocks liberation in the mind, body and spirit. When we consciously breathe, we gift the healing power straight back to ourselves. We get to rewrite our own story by becoming intimate with the unconscious material that dictates our life and carve out a new pathway of clarity, peace and understanding.

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The conscious breathing technique I use drops clients beneath the noise of the mind and into the interconnected space of mind, body and spirit. When we come into union; we tap into the juiciness of our creative well, channel guidance from our higher self, and steep within our own innate wisdom. This allows us to tap into insights not usually accessed in normal states of being. Breathwork sessions are divinely guided; giving rise and access to the exact material clients need to evolve their consciousness and illuminate their pathway to greater self-awareness, love and compassion.


I was pulled fiercely by my intuition to do a breathwork training in Costa Rica right before Covid began. I spent every day in the jungle surrounded by 50 other people exchanging hugs, melting into cuddle puddles, dancing, and partaking in the deep transformative work of daily conscious breathing sessions. I was trained in supporting underwater breathwork (using a snorkel) in a river of the Costa Rican jungle and in the salty Pacific Ocean. Breathwork has drastically changed my life. Through this practice, I’ve peeled back many layers of self and revealed unconscious stories that were running my life. I realized I could release the grips of these stories that I thought were apart of my identity forever - that I could actually just let them go, and tell a new one. I felt a new way of being throughout my whole body. It has been life altering.

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The breath has been my greatest teacher this year. A bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms; teaching me that everything I desire resides within me. That there is no emotion too big to sit with and breathe through. I now practice a full breath work session twice a month to empower myself, stay aligned with my purpose, and to show up in this world fully as my unique self. I am forever grateful for this practice!

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Breathwork is a potent medicine for the time we are living within; a natural remedy for stress and anxiety. During our time of quarantine and many unknowns in 2020, our nervous systems are perhaps out of balance and shifting between fight, flight, or freeze. We are experiencing high levels of disconnect, anxiety, and stress; which can feel heavy, chaotic and uncomfortable within the body. With breathwork we are able to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and come back into equilibrium. Breathwork is a practice that carves out time to process and release stress and excess energy in the body. It switches us out of survival mode and helps us to feel lighter and at ease. We get to experience more joy, peace and clarity regardless of what is going on in the external world. Breathwork shows us how to find refuge within our own body; to feel safe, connected and at home. It is our birthright.” - Natasha Stewart

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You can book a breathwork session with the magical Natasha here! And connect with on Instagram here.

Intentional Branding Sessions are ceremonial photography sessions designed to capture the essence of you and your sacred offerings. Photography is an alchemical dance of light, spirit and physical matter - it transcends time and space. In your session we get to explore and feel into the heart of you and your business and create tangible, mystical stills from this space of Truth. 

Intentional imagery helps the Beings that are meant to work with you, find you. It invites them to feel into your energy and connect with you through body sensations, intuition and sight.

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Placecraft Design and Build

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It was such a joy capturing these two stunning Colombia River George creations for the visionaries at Placecraft Design & Build. They are a heart centered, conscious company with the most beautiful ethos: β€œWe look at the big picture. All of us are connected to each other and are a part of the natural world. The health and resiliency of each individual is critical to the wellbeing of the whole. A home is comprised of threads in an infinite fabric of systems and cycles. Our work is guided by three core principles: It’s got to be good for the planet, good for the people and provide fair access to resources."

We are committed to the earth beneath our feet. Our decision-making operates around life, active healing, creation.”

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LARCH MOUNTAIN REMODEL -- In a close collaboration with the homeowner, Placecraft transformed a dated fixer-upper into a fresh and tranquil home. The jewel of the project was adding a dormer and doubling the size of the bathroom to create a soaking sanctuary where one can unwind surrounded by the scents and lushness of maples. Design, frame & project management by Placecraft Design & Build - Plaster by Design Build Cinema and Traditional Natural Plaster.

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Next up from Placecraft Design & Build is this incredible space along the Colombia River Gorge!!

THE KINSHIP -- Perched on a sun drenched slope overlooking a sea of alder, maple, wild cherry and fir, this is a cozy two-story cabin for a couple dove-tailed with a ceremonial space in the round for community gatherings.

Design, frame & project management by Placecraft Design & Build - Plaster and Masonry heater by Design Build Cinema and Traditional Natural Plaster - Sawmilling, finish carpentry by Tillicum Craftworks - Finish Carpentry by Nick Hamel - Earth Floor Consultation by Sukita - Masonry heater design by Firespeaking - Custom stained glass by Glass Jems - Finish Carpentry Lead by Rick Wilding

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It was such an honor photographing these sacred spaces. Thank you, Placecraft for trusting me to capture the essence of your work!